Serving All Delaware Bicycle Accident Cases

Bicycle accidents often result in devastating injuries. A bicycle is no match for a 3,000 lb. auto or an 18-wheeler. Any Delaware insured vehicle is required to have no-fault insurance which would cover the bicycle rider much like a pedestrian is covered by no-fault if hit by a vehicle in Delaware. In addition, if the bicycle rider owns a vehicle or if there is another insured vehicle in the household, the no-fault (PIP) insurance may be an addition to the insurance on the driver’s vehicle.
Of course, if the driver was negligent, the bicycle rider may pursue a claim for pain and suffering, unpaid medical bills, lost wages, lost enjoyment of life and other damages associated with any personal injury claim. As in any personal injury case, it is wise for the bicycle rider to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
You should not talk to the insurance company for the driver of the vehicle that hit you until you have spoken with an attorney. You will probably be advised not to speak to that adjuster at all. Such recorded statements are often taken inaccurately and are not under oath.
The Statute Of Limitations for bicycle accidents is 2-years.